Motherhood on Mother’s Day

my daughters at Lake Winnipesaukee 2010 and a rose
The girls, Lake Winnipesaukee – 2010


When I first began writing for hire, a seasoned editor advised me not to get caught up in “mom writing.”

I knew what she meant and did my best to follow her suggestion. Later I was told to write about what I love and what I know best. If that’s the case – then motherhood is my muse. Yesterday was Mother’s Day. It was an intentionally quiet day and I took the opportunity to reflect. My thoughts went to gratitude – first for having a wonderful mother who helped me be the mother I am today and second for having two wonderful children who have allowed me to embrace motherhood in a way that no one might ever have guessed I would.

When I was young, I wasn’t drawn to little kids.  I never babysat and I never oohed and aahed over babies like some of my friends and sister did.

Becoming a Mom

When Julia came into my life, a switch flipped. Eighteen month after Julia, Ally joined the party and motherhood has been my obsession ever since. Not in a helicopter parent kind of way, OK maybe sometimes, but in the way that there’s nothing I’d rather be doing than taking care of my girls.

I don’t like to go on and on about it, but motherhood fulfills me in a way that nothing ever has. Yes, I’ve pursued a writing career to fill my time and justify my two degrees, but I often say that I could be totally satisfied just being Julia’s and Ally’s mom. Whether I work a little or a lot or not at all, they are my top job and I really enjoy what I do.

When I first became a mom, my dad noticed how engrossed I was in the role, he said “Beth, I never thought you’d be a mom, never mind a good one.” I laughed so hard at this sideways compliment, but fully understood his sentiment.  Motherhood changed me in a lot of positive ways.

Of course, it’s not always easy, but nothing great ever is. When I look at the featured photo and think about the six years that have passed since then, I know that time is precious.

It Goes by Fast

At the risk of being cliché, this year has flown by at record speed. I can’t believe we are nearly midway through 2016.  I was warned that as the girls got older time would move more quickly.

I feel it happening and I’m not sure if the rush scares me or thrills me. Either way, I’m holding on tight and doing everything possible to enjoy the ride.

To all the moms out there, Happy Mother’s Day – yesterday, today and everyday!

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