Making Decisions Isn’t Always Easy – Crossroads

crossroads image


I’m usually a decisive person. I know what I like and what I want, so there is often very little time spent making decisions. Earlier this year someone told me that this would be a year of change. Change can be stressful, but I am at a time in my life when I feel very open to it.

Lately, however I feel stuck at a crossroads. I’m ready for certain, inevitable changes in my life, but when it comes to making decisions about what my “professional” future should be, I don’t have a clear vision. Up until now, freelance writing has been great, but I am ready for more.

I feel like I am on the right path with my book and blog, but I don’t know where the path is going and that is driving me nuts. I have a million ideas swirling around in my head, but nothing has struck me as the best next step. I feel like a kid in high school who doesn’t know what they want to be when they grow up. “It’s OK,” a parent might say. “You don’t have to decide right now.”

But, I’m forty seven years old (there, I said it), I do have to decide and I think I should do so quickly, because I’m running out of time.

Fifty Is The New Twenty?

But am I? Fifty can easily be the new twenty. I know several women who have reinvented their careers after fifty and here’s an inspiration clip I recently posted on Facebook.

Gary Vaynerchuk is an entrepreneur and public speaker. Good message-old tee and scruffy face aside.

The Dilemma

Here’s my dilemma – While I want the professional success I’ve always known I’m capable of achieving, I also want to accompany Tony as he makes his slow progression toward retirement. He said something recently that really hit me…“Just as I am starting to slow down, she is ramping up – I’ll be happy to pass the baton.”

And I’d be happy to receive it, but I also know myself. If I take that baton, I am going to run with it at full speed. I will immerse myself in whatever I do, just like I did as a mom and more recently as an obsessive dog owner.

There is a really big part of me that’s been looking forward to the time when Tony and I can focus on being a couple again with fewer distractions. Dinners in the city, day-trips, travel and joint activities are all things we’ve talked about doing more of when we aren’t so focused on work, carting kids around and rushing home to let the dog out. A truly successful career does not happen without a lot of work and I question whether now is the time to start over.

What Now?

I’ll probably be at this crossroads for a while longer. I guess I am like a kid in high school who doesn’t have to decide right now. But I want to start making decisions soon and when I do, I’ll go all in to whatever choice I make. There really is no wrong way, but embracing the chosen path, without looking back, will be the key to my success; be it personal or professional.

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Great Advice From My Horoscope App

The Daily Horoscope App
The Daily Horoscope App – available at the App Store on smartphones


Lately I’ve been caught up worrying that my blog posts are not getting a lot of “Likes” (on Facebook) or comments. I know you are reading because so many of you have the nicest things to say when I see you in person. Thank you for that!

I find myself asking; what are my posts are missing? What could I be doing or writing that would be more engaging?

When I wrote exclusively for the magazine, feedback wasn’t really expected and that made things easy. Now, in this sea of social media, I see all kinds of posts getting hundreds of “Likes” and comments. I wonder how I can reach readers here in the same way.

Advice from Daily Horoscope

Before this concern became all-consuming, I was reminded that this blog is only three months old and things take time. But I am so impatient! Thank you to my family and friends who talk me off the ledge. I also read somewhere that “Likes” and comments shouldn’t really matter as long as you are putting out quality content. OK, but still I obsessed.

Until this past Tuesday when I opened up my handy horoscope app and read this:




OMG – was the universe speaking directly to me? I was actually stunned when I read it and, as I often do with my horoscope, I took it to heart.

I discovered The Daily Horoscope app in the App Store a couple of years ago and have found it to be consistently positive and spot on 90 percent of the time.

Daily Horoscope App Icon
DH Icon


I turned Julia onto it and now she follows it too. Whenever she needs a little reassurance or encouragement, this app seems to have just the right message for her. It’s crazy really and, like mine, her horoscope is often eerily in tune with some specific things going on in her life. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve said to each other, “Did you see my horoscope today? It’s weird, just plain weird.”

So today I will listen to my horoscope and if the “Likes” and comments don’t come flooding in, I’m OK with it. But hey, don’t let that stop you. If you are so inclined- I’d love to hear from you.

Have you tried the Daily Horoscope App? Do you find it eerily accurate or missing the mark?

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Peter Gammons Talks Baseball, Passion, and Success

Signed baseball by Peter Gammons and a Louisville Slugger
Signed ball by Peter Gammons from Monday’s event and Tony’s battered, Pete Rose, Louisville Slugger.


The Event

On Monday I accompanied Tony to a client appreciation event held at the law offices of Greenberg Traurig in Boston’s financial district. Being there brought back fond memories of my time working nearby on Franklin Street.

I debated attending wondering what I could offer in a room full of lawyers. As it happens, my cousin David is a partner at the firm – catching up with him alone would be a treat (he’s one of the funniest people I know.)

The spacious and sleekly designed office space was also a treat. The outdoor patio on the 20th floor really sold me. When I stepped out and looked up to the tops of the surrounding buildings framed by blue sky, I imagined spending many a lunch hour enjoying this lovely retreat. Not surprisingly, it’s rarely used. Partners are too busy and associates wouldn’t dare be caught lounging outside.

Peter Gammons Takes the Mic

I soon turned my attention turned to the evening’s keynote speaker. The firm brought in esteemed sportswriter and baseball television analyst, Peter Gammons.

I’m not going to lie, baseball isn’t my game, but as soon as Gammons began speaking, I was fascinated with his in-depth recall of dates, statistics, players and general baseball knowledge. His remarkable knowledge and clear passion were inspiring. He commented on everything from the problems with youth sports to what it takes to be a star, along with countless anecdotes of his encounters with baseball greats.

I found his story about recognizing a great hitter most fascinating. Read his full story here. He explained that only great hitters like Ted Williams, Don Mattingly and Mark McGwire have had the experience. It’s when the seams of a fastball connect with the bat of a perfect swing in just the right spot on a foul straight back – or something like that. The perfect storm of power and placement results in the burning smell of ball striking bat.

The Message

While most of this baseball talk was lost on me, I took from it two things – the passion, dedication and natural ability to be great at something will lead you to unique experiences reserved only for a select few. I would like an experience like that someday. If you love something, like Peter Gammons does baseball, you can engross yourself in it so completely that your passion alone will bring you success and personal fulfillment.

I have found my passion in writing. While this discovery came later in my life, I’m very glad to have uncovered it and am committed to seeing where it will take me.

Have you found your passion?

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New to Instagram – Sharing, Learning and Getting Inspired

Instagram photo - Mother Day flowers in shades of pink
Pretty in Pink – a view from above.


The fact that I have an active Instagram account is nearly as shocking to me as it is to my daughters.

For the most part, I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to technology today.  There was a time, oh so long ago, when I might’ve said that my technical skills verged on savvy. Yes, two kids and 15 years later, I’m in the elite group of folks, 40 and over, who don’t have a clue about social media.

When it was suggested I start “Instagramming” for 3 Olives & a Twist, I burst out laughing at the thought. I can barely manage Facebook and this blog. How in the world could I possibly handle Instagram? What would I post? My mind immediately went to selfies – NO, just NO!

Being new to Instagram, I quickly learned that this photo-sharing application is actually much more than selfies and the seemingly popular “look down at your shoes” shot. Here’s one…

white shoes stepping on wood
There are a lot of these on Instagram – I don’t get it.


In fact, it is full of amazing imagery, as long as you know what to look for.

The Beauty of Instagram

I’m a very visual person and I love pictures – when I began searching hashtags of interest, I stumbled upon a veritable feast for my eyes. Stunning photos of food, interior design, architecture, landscape, botanicals, travel and, of course, cute pups have all stopped me long enough to warrant a [icon name=”heart” class=”” unprefixed_class=””].

Many photos are posted by professional photographers. I marvel at their talent and eye for interesting subjects and have begun to draw inspiration from what I see. As much as I struggle to take a decent picture, Instagram has actually helped me with angle ideas, filters and cropping options.

The simplicity of Instagram is also appealing. There aren’t a lot of buttons to tap and interaction is as little or as much as you want it to be. I’ve found myself mentally transported to beautiful countries through posts from all over the world. It has opened my eyes in many ways and when something questionable pops ups, I shut those eyes tight and quickly move on.

At the end of the day, I’m having fun with Instagram. It has become a tool in fueling my creative energy.

Instagram and Me

On behalf of the blog, I try to post things to the 3 Olives & a Twist Instagram that make me feel good. I love pictures of dogs, shoes, jewelry and just yesterday, I posted a pic of two lovely frozen margaritas in honor of Cinco de Mayo.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!! #picoftheday #lifestyleblogger #cincodemayo #celebrate #cheers

A photo posted by 3 Olives & a Twist (@3olivesandatwist) on

Though I’m still new to Instagram, with each picture I take and post, I’m learning. Learning to take a better photo, learning how to use social media in a way that is not scary to me and learning that, indeed, an old dog can learn new tricks.

Today my #picoftheday is something that always makes me happy… flowers. I hope you enjoy the image and thank you to my wonderful family for sending me my Mother’s Day bouquet early.

Follow 3OlivesandaTwist on Instagram for more photos. If you love pictures like I love pictures, you too may find Instagram to be a fun place to share.

Do you Instagram?

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